Hospitalization and childhood: report of playful action prior to an invasive procedure
hospitalização, neoplasias, crianças, jogos recreativosAbstract
Introduction: The right to play, fundamental in childhood, is often compromised during hospitalization. Humanization in healthcare involves incorporating playfulness in pediatric oncology. Experience Report: Through the Academic Group of Playful Activities, trained medical students conducted interventions at the Hospital de Amor Infantil, promoting playful activities such as symbolic role exchanges and the use of instructional therapeutic toys. These activities alleviated the environment prior to invasive procedures and increased the children’s understanding of these procedures. Discussion: As reported, the literature highlights the benefits of play and the use of instructional therapeutic toys as important means to provide greater autonomy and well-being for children, as well as to enhance their cooperation with treatment. Final Considerations: Playful tools educated children about routine hospital procedures, reduced environmental tension, and upheld the right to play. Medical students had the opportunity for personal growth and expanded their understanding of the biopsychosocial context surrounding pediatric hospitalization
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