Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on professionals of a private long-stay institution for the elderly in the countryside of São Paulo


  • Luiza Vieira Marconi Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde de Barretos Dr. Paulo Prata – FACISB, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Ricardo Filipe Alves da Costa Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde de Barretos Dr. Paulo Prata – FACISB, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Roberta Thomé Petroucic Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde de Barretos Dr. Paulo Prata – FACISB, São Paulo, Brasil



Homes for the elderly, health personnel, mental health, COVID-19


Introduction: The relationship between work and mental health was already widely discussed and the context of the COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to unusual circumstances in this association. Aim: To describe possible effects of the pandemic scenario on the mental health of health workers in a Long Stay Institution for the Elderly (LSIE). Material and Methods: In December 2020, questionnaires were applied to all formal caregivers of the elderly and health professionals working in a private LSIE, located in the countryside of São Paulo state. Sociodemographic and occupational data were collected and the instruments Brief COPE and Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) were applied. Results: Of the total of 24 participants, the most used coping strategies were acceptance and religion. The median SRQ-20 score was 4.0 (Q1=1.3 and Q3=6.8). Six participants (25%) were likely to have Common Psychic Disorders (CMD), with SRQ-20 ≥ 7, all of whom reported nervousness, tension, worry and a feeling of constant tiredness. In the “emotional disinvestment” and “mood” strategies for coping with the pandemic, participants with probability of CMD had statistically significant higher median scores when compared to those without probability of CMD. The variables of schooling, working hours, age and positive testing for COVID-19 showed no association with CMD. Conclusion: Probability of CMD was observed in 25% of health professionals. There was a difference in the use of “behavioral disinvestment” and “humor” strategies among professionals with and without probability of CMD.


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How to Cite

Marconi, L. V., Costa, R. F. A. da, & Petroucic, R. T. (2022). Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on professionals of a private long-stay institution for the elderly in the countryside of São Paulo. Manuscripta Medica, 5, 17–30.



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