Circuncisão: da antiguidade ao século XXI – indicações, benefícios e controvérsias


  • Hayara Cataneo
  • Dafne Neiva Nunes
  • Marina Garcia Guerreiro
  • Haysam Youssef Magalhães
  • Raffaela Floriano Tofano
  • Augusto Cazal Tristão
  • Caroline Monteiro Garcia
  • Gabriela Coelho Giaqueto
  • Júlia de nadai Silva
  • Larissa Matos Fernandes
  • Matheus Peres Veloso
  • Victor Augusto Miziara Amigo
  • Victor De Souza Bueno Urban
  • Wilson Elias de Oliveira Júnior
  • Wesley Magnabosco


circuncisão masculina, revisão, história, indicações terapêuticas, controversas


BACKGROUND/AIM: Circumcision is a surgical procedure performed for centuries, reported by several nations on different continents. In order to better understand this practice from antiquity to the present day, this review aims to analyze this surgical procedure.

METHODS: A narrative review on circumcision, through bibliographic research in several databases.

RESULTS: The retractable coverage of the glans, called the foreskin, has a variety of functions, and its surgical resection is called circumcision or circumcision. Although the procedure is also performed for complications related to the foreskin, such as phimosis and paraphimosis, in some countries, religion is referred to as motivation, especially in those of Muslim predominance. Circumcision, regardless of whether it is for medical, religious or cultural indications, is a relatively safe procedure, has a low incidence of complications, and can also be performed in order to prevent and spread sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV, as demonstrated by several studies. However, several controversies are related to circumcision. One of the most controversial is related to changes in penile sensitivity and sexual function as a consequence of the procedure, in addition to a whole current discussion related to mutilation.

CONCLUSION: Circumcision, perhaps one of the oldest surgical procedures in human history, is still one of the most performed in the world today, with several peculiarities. Thus, its global understanding is essential to obtain better results and minimize its complications.


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How to Cite

Cataneo, H., Nunes, D. N., Guerreiro, M. G., Magalhães, H. Y., Tofano, R. F., Tristão, A. C., … Magnabosco, W. (2020). Circuncisão: da antiguidade ao século XXI – indicações, benefícios e controvérsias. Manuscripta Medica, 3, 40–52. Retrieved from



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