A inserção de estudantes de medicina no espaço prisional: relato de experiência de ações de promoção a saúde em um presídio paulista


  • Harnoldo Colares Coelho Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde de Barretos Dr. Paulo Prata - FACISB
  • Julia de Nadai Silva
  • Letícia Conti de Abreu
  • Victoria Del’ Moro Cespedes


Prisões, Educação Médica, Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde, Saúde Pública


In 2014, the national health policy for persons deprived of liberty (PDL) came into force. This new health policy provides that the PDL will become the responsibility of care within the scope of Primary Care. The failure to care for PDL health and the high incidence of some diseases, especially infectious diseases, are characteristics of the prison reality. This report aims to describe an experience of medical students with the PDL of a prison establishment in the State of São Paulo, the Provisional Detention Center (CDP) of Taiúva-SP. The internship took place during the Student Mobility Program (PME) that is offered to medical students at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Barretos Dr. Paulo Prata (FACISB). For four weeks, three students from the second year of FACISB gave lectures on health promotion and observed the functioning of PDL medical care. Information posters and pamphlets were elaborated on the topics covered in the lectures. The experience made it possible to reflect on new perspectives on the prison system, breaking existing prejudices and creating a new perspective on marginalized populations. The insertion of medical students in prison units promotes reflections on the lack of assistance to the health of PDL. It also allows these future doctors to take their knowledge to promote health and prevent diseases in the PDL.


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How to Cite

Coelho, H. C., Silva, J. de N., de Abreu, L. C., & Cespedes, V. D. M. (2020). A inserção de estudantes de medicina no espaço prisional: relato de experiência de ações de promoção a saúde em um presídio paulista. Manuscripta Medica, 3, 53–59. Retrieved from https://manuscriptamedica.com.br/revista/index.php/mm/article/view/49



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